Chairperson: Sis. Marlene Mahoney
Vice-chairperson: Bro. Darryl Barney
Age range: 40 to 65
Gender: Male and Female
Mission: The mission of the Security Ministry is to recruit and deploy faithful servants of God to serve as “watchmen” for the church; to observe and take appropriate action to prevent anything that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of our church family during church services.
Vision: Our long-term goal is to develop a church security program that seeks to educate church members about personal safety and crime prevention in a Christian environment.
Quarterly Meeting Dates: Fourth Sunday in January, April, July, and October
Called meetings will be held for any special occasions that require security coverage.
Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m.
Major planned spiritual events for the spiritual growth and edification of the body of Christ at Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs:
Additional activities ministry may sponsor on an annual basis:
“As the spirit leads you…join us, you are welcome!”