Coordinator: Sis.  Karena Dobbs
Assistant Coordinator: Sis. Angela Conley 

Age Range: 21 and up

Mission: In harmony with the church’s mission, our mission is to lead the congregation in praise and worship to the one true God through the ministry of music as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Purpose: Music plays an important role in the church. Those who are led to serve in this ministry must understand they are not mere performers but ministers who serve in the worship process through the medium of music. Psalms 33:1-5
The Praise Team sings every fourth Sunday and on fifth Sunday as needed. We also accompany the Pastor on various engagements.
Monthly Meeting Dates: Third and Fourth Saturday before the Fourth Sunday
Meeting Times:  10:00-11:00 a.m. – Third Saturday
                            9:00-10:00 a.m. – Fourth Saturday



As the spirit leads you…join us, you are welcome!”
