Weekly announcements must be submitted to info@centralbaptistchurchcs.org by noon on Wednesday Announcements received after this time will appear in next week's e-newsletter. Read the church e-newsletter each month which will list all of the events for the month. Not receiving it? Please make sure the administrative office has your email address on file.
Watch your email, listen to the Robo Call or visit our website for the latest church news. 

Pastor's Announcements

  • Save the Dates! 2025 Vacation Bible School June 24th-27th. Join us for our kick-off planning meeting to learn about ways to volunteer—March 8th at 11:30 a.m. Please use the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Zoom link to attend.
  • CBCCS Mask Mandate has been reinstated due to the rise in Covid-19 exposure among our senior citizens within our church. This also means we should not shake hands nor hug one another until further notice—fist bumps are acceptable if you feel comfortable. Until further notice, masks are required to enter the church, sanctuary, common areas, etc. and required to enter the administrative offices and to meet with Pastor Burruss. For more guidance, please read the CDC guidelines on how to prevent the spread of Covid-19: Respiratory viruses prevention and precautions when sick.
  • Women's Bible Study is held each third Saturday at 8:00 a.m. All women of CBCCS and beyond are welcome to join.
  • Foreign Mission Ministry (FMM) is asking you to contribute to Compassion International! Thank you in advance for your continued support.
  • CBCCS Outreach Center, located at 5518 Old Branch Avenue in Temple Hills, is open unless otherwise notifiedThe community can obtain, food and clothing. Tuesday- Friday by appointment only.  If you need either, please contact Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs at (301) 899-3800.
  • Food Distribtion for those in need is held each Tuesday from 10:00 a.m.-Noon in the parking lot unless otherwise notified. Please stay in your cars--the food packages will be placed in your car. A prayer tent is also available if you are in need of prayer.
  • Men's Ministry Bible Study Fellowship is every 1st and 3rd Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom.
  • Youth Church is open to all children ages 2-16. You are invited to participate in Youth Church each Sunday.
  • Youth Ministry presents Breaking Bread every second and fourth Friday. See the newsletter for more details.

General Announcements:


  • Lost and Found—We have accumulated quite a bit of items (e.g., scarves, books, keys, earrings, etc.) our members have forgotten to take with them after church. In an effort to return to you your lost items, we will display all lost items in the Narthex (close to our sound booth) for your convenience on December 8, 2024.
  • Intercessory Prayer Call- 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (Monday through Friday) Call in at (425) 436-6361 and use access code 3314370. 
  • Outreach Ministry is soliciting donations to provide men, women, and children clothing of all sizes in good condition. We have started receiving donations Tuesday-Friday 9:00 am -4:00 pm. There is a container located in the Narthex for all donations. If you have a large quantity of clothing, please contact the Church office (301) 899-3800 to schedule a time for you to bring in your donation. Your donations will be used to support any family in need in our community. 
  • Hospitality Ministry Recruitment: Volunteers are needed to serve in this ministry, and your assistance is appreciated. Please see Sis. Darlene Carter or Bro. Earl Carter for more information or to join. 
  • Transportation Ministry is seeking committed servants for Sunday services and special occasions. We need at least a team of eight drivers for each service--each driver will serve once a month. We need van drives--male or female--for all services and especially drivers for special events--usually during weekdays. If interested, please contact Bro. Richard Bowling at bearswalter@yahoo.com or send an email to info@centralbaptistchurchcs.org. Include in the subject line: CBCCS TM.  
  • Food Share packages are available for purchase; please contact Deacon Henry Pulley at 301-297-5836 or Sis. Lydia Joyner. You can sign up for the Food Share program in Narthex; your payment for the packages purchased is due on the second Sunday each month. 

Church Administrative Offices
Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs Administrative Office is closed on Monday. The administrative office is open Tuesday-Friday from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 

Snow/Weather Emergency
Please watch television channels WDRC 4 and WUSA 9 for updated closure and cancellation information during inclement weather. CBCCS will follow the Prince George's County School System schedule during weather events (e.g., If the schools delay opening for two hours, we will delay opening our offices. If they close for the day, we will also close on that day, and all activities are canceled). Please note, we may not close or delay the opening of the church for events conducted on Saturday or Sunday due to inclement weather. You will receive a Robocall from the church regarding delays and closings on the weekend. If the church does not have your current telephone number, please contact the church office and give us this information. 

Sick and Shut-In and the Bereaved
Please remember to call, visit and pray for our members and community who may be sick and shut-in or mourning the loss of a loved one. Please check the newsletter for the special prayer list.

Reminder from Facilities Trustees--Please take the time to check your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms at least every three months to ensure they are in good working order. This is a very important life-saving step. 

