Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs has many talented and gifted members who make up the body of Christ in this branch of Zion, and we are grateful to God for all of you. Please lend us your talents and gifts by applying for one of the following volunteer positions when they are open to be filled. 

Colossians 3:23-24 reads "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men, Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ." 

Volunteer Positions 2022-2024

Church Librarian: Sis. Belinda Watson
Assistant Church Librarian: Sis. Scarlett Small
Scholarship Committee Chairperson and Members
 Sis. Betty Alsobrooks, Chairperson 
 Sis. Brandy Raynor-Hill
Church Historian—Deaconess Patricia Williams 
Budget Committee—Vacant
Internal Auditor—Vacant
Audio-Visual Technical Team—Bro. Cleo Chambers, Sis. Ghalia Thomas, Bro. Justin Reddick,

