On behalf of the entire Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs Family, we extend expressions of love, peace, and encouragement during this major event in your life. We will make every effort to serve you and your family as you prepare. If you desire to use Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs for your life event, please use the appropriate form below to begin the arrangements.

Members may use the following forms listed in the table below to schedule weddings, infant blessings, funerals/home going and other events. Each form has been saved in a PDF (portable document format) for your convenience. Please click on the form you need below--print and follow the instructions. The member in charge of the service you are requesting will contact you after you complete the form and hand deliver, mail or e-mail the form.

Non-members who are interested in scheduling an event at Central Baptist Church of Camp Springs may use the same form. Non-members are subject to rental fees, etc. for the use of the facility, etc. 

Event                                      Portable Document Format (PDF)
Wedding                                   weddingrequestform

Infant Blessing                          infantblessingform
Funeral/Home Going                funeralrequestform
Other Events                            othereventsform

Your computer must have Adobe Reader installed to open these files. Click on the website link to download the free Adobe Reader on your computer.
